Saturday, October 29, 2011

English? What's the big deal?

Can English be so hard? Is it because you are too dump? or is it because you were not born to speak English? Mind boggling isn't it?

I often noticed that our graduates (Malay especially) have freaking awesome knowledge in many fields, capable to think creatively, often are a bunch of confident people except when they were asked to speak in English.

Most of the time, it is not because they do not know any English words, but they were incapable to produce a complete sentence when they were asked to.

To be honest, I myself can sometimes be in-confident to speak in English, and I realize that the reason is because I don't use much of the language in my daily conversation although I've been surrounded by the language for almost 26 years. The only time where I can speak fluently was when I was forced to (presentations, conversing with lecturers who don't know how to speak Malay, interview sessions etc...etc...)

But the point is I found a great website to non-native English speakers to speak English fluently, regardless of how bad your grammar is...the most important thing is to SPEAK!

It is important to know your grammar right when you were answering your exam paper, but when it comes to conversing forget about your grammar!

Best Quotes Ever~~~

  1. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
  2. If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.
  3. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend. - Abraham Lincoln
  4. Count your age with friends but not with years.
  5. Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise.
  6. If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.
  7. I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.-Mohandas Gandhi
  8. A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.-Jim Rohn
  9. Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing.- Albert Schweitzer
  10. Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.- Tom Peters

Friday, October 28, 2011

FYP and Masa Depan Korang~

Salam gang,

Pergh penat no minggu ni..dengn FYP nya..dgn assignments yg lain2...ultimate stress lah katakan...
Tapi papepun congratulations kat gang2 FYP2 yg dah gone through presentations haritu.. Bad and good comments kita jadikan kena mengena sempadan lak..
lepas abes presentations ni ade report lak, then ade final exam..pastu YABEDABEOOO!! Tapi...
pening lagi la jwbnya
walaupun happy nak abes belajar, sbnrnya hati rasa berat lak nak tinggalkan kolej. Bukan ape teringat saat2 ketawa mesra dgn gang2, menangis bersama2, ngutuk sama2, bertekak tak tentu hala dan lain2 lagi...
Pas abes ni, alamatnya membawa haluan masing2,kalau jenis yg ingt kwn leh lar lepak kan, tapi kalau jenis yg lebih suka hidup sendiri mmg tunggu bercucu lar, cucu kita kawin sama cucu dia baru lah teringat penah duk serumah..hehe
K lah malas nak merapu kat sini...kalau ade cite pape kongsi2 lar link blog kowranks (baru KL cr ckp gini)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mari Membaca

Upon request, saya akan tulis post ni dalam Bahasa Malaysia...
Korg faham Bahasa Arab? Tak? Me too. tapi patut tak kita baca Al-Quran walaupun kita tak paham? Ye patut. Kenapa? Kerana dengan ini hati akan menjadi terang, mudah untuk menerima pelajaran dan pemahaman. Hati lapang dan senang masuk rezeki.
Cume zaman masa kini, kita sering "tak ada" masa nak baca Al-Quran. So...alternatifnya sambil2 kita duk mengadap laptop browsing sana sini..apa kata kita jenguk Al-Quran Explorer
Kat sini kita boleh mendengar cara bacaan dari pelbagai Ustaz. Dan insyaAllah boleh membetulkan bacaan kita juga..
Apa lagi, jom TRY..sambil2 tu jenguk jugaklah terjemahannya...Lebih cantik sekiranya kita faham agama bukan sekadar penyampaian dari org sahaja kan?
